Taranaki’s Best Businesses

Words by  Irena Brooks
Coby Slager Coby Slager

It’s the showcase business award event of the year, and in the 25th year of the TSB Taranaki Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards a range of local businesses were recognised over eighteen categories.

Architecture firm BOON must have thought they were destined to be the bridesmaid when they received not one, but two “Highly Commendeds” during the night.

It wasn’t until the very end of the evening that they won the Medium Business Excellence Award and the joy from their table emanated throughout the room. But Boon were about to get their biggest surprise of the night and their table’s reaction was fitting when they were named the 2019 Supreme Winners.

LIVE’s eight page feature on the awards presents stories on most of the category winners, outlining what these successful businesses do — and why they won.


The TSB Taranaki Chamber of Commerce Business Awards, held at the TSB Stadium on Saturday, 9th November

Supreme Award: BOON

Large Business: Van Dyke Fine Foods; highly commended — Timberco

Medium Business: BOON; highly commended — Safe Business Solutions

Small Business: Central Taranaki Automotive

Marine, Manufacturing or Engineering: Timberco

Technology: ECL

Service: Hawera Cinemas; highly commended – BOON 

Trades: Central Taranaki Automotive

New and Emerging Business: Texas BBQ Foods

Brand & Marketing: Texas BBQ Foods

Innovation: Elite Kitchens; highly commended – BOON

Employer of Choice: Timberco

Events & Attractions: Taranaki Weddings; highly commended — Hawera Cinemas

Hospitality: Crowded House Bar and Eatery

Not for profit: Rotokare Scenic Reserve Trust

Business Continuity: Port Taranaki

Environmental: Begin Distilling

Health & Safety: Central Taranaki Automotive

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